Hello All!
As a reminder, we voted as a community in October 2021 to delete the section of our CCR's that said no Fireworks ever and in place of that we added language that says we can only shoot them off during times "posted by the board." For New Years, those times are December 31st (NYE) from Noon to 1AM on January 1 (13 full hours of fire cracking fun), as well as on January 1st from Noon until Midnight (another 12 hours of fun). This is the official post for Fireworks times.
Please remember, this was a compromise - while we have a number of residents that love to blow stuff up, we also have residents that don't respond well to explosive sounds as well as residents with animals that react poorly to the loud bangs. Each holiday we will post reasonable times whereby non-participating residents can be aware, scared animals can be cuddled and others can fire away. Please respect the hours posted (which also serves to avoid unwanted fines which we really do not want to issue). Also, remember that should the county further restrict such activities, that restriction trumps our little Board.