Everything you need for the 10/6 Meeting

October 2, 2021

Hello All!

We have 4 more days until our Fall community meeting and vote on 4 proposed changes to the CCR's based on community feedback. This note has everything you need to know in advance of the meeting.

When is the meeting: Wednesday, October 6th at 6PM hosted on ZOOM.

Where is the Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82416434893?pwd=blFwTUIyRTVtUXlhS2tEREN6cFc2Zz09

What is the passcode: 476779

How long is the meeting: We've set aside 1.5 hours. We start promptly at 6PM. The Board presentation will be approximately the first 30 minutes after which we will get into community QnA which will be guided by the topics as posted and "voted up" on Slido. The Slido link to post your questions is HERE - add your questions now or look at others and vote them up. Feel free top drop off at any point after we begin QnA.

What is Slido?

Slido is a technology used in many businesses to collect audience questions ahead of meetings and make meetings more efficient. If you see a question that you also have, simply vote it up. The questions with the most votes get the most attention. Questions with very few votes will be addressed on a web post afterwards.  

Where can I find the ballot? Other documents?

The Ballot for voting is HERE - Click to access

Click the link and cast your vote (one per household). If we receive duplicates, only the last one received will be counted. We are using SignNow to be efficient (like Docusign). If you are unable to access this way, please email saratogahillsaustin@gmail.com for a hard copy to use.

When is voting due?

Please complete the Ballot link by Tuesday, October 5th at 5PM.

Polling as of 10.2.21 from Slido (76 current participants)

  • HOA should enforce the CCRs as written: 80%
  • In favor of Fireworks during limited times posted by Board: 80%
  • Level of communication on issues: 76% Satisfied
  • Road Quality: 71% Roads are fine, 25% see trouble coming
  • Overall Board Satisfaction: 67% Positive, 30% Neutral, 3% Unsatisfied

Oct 2021 Fall Meeting Flyer
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