May 23, 2023


What a difference a day makes - Important news from your Board

Hello Neighbors,

We sincerely hope that you will take a few minutes and review this important message from the Board.

It is with a sense of sadness and regret that we as your Board must report to you that the current state of affairs in our community has reached such a point that, even with the gracious support of so many of you behind the scenes, it has become nearly impossible for the three volunteer Board members to continue. Your Board members feel they are sustaining an unjustified level of personal attacks that is unacceptable and personally very unhealthy for each of us. Even family members of the directors are now being personally drug into this matter.

As a result of such pressures and discomfort, the Board received today the resignation of Mark Kritzer - effective immediately. Mark’s counsel was a huge asset to the board and community. Mark’s determination to work hard to make this a better place is highly respected and will be missed. This community suffers a clear loss in this case. Steve and I, however, plan to carry on with our duties as Board members, and consistent with the ByLaws, will soon announce the appointment of a new Board member to complete Mark’s term.  

Although both Steve and I are also hurt and disheartened by the current state of affairs and criticisms, our go forward plan is as follows:

  1. Steve and I will be reaching out to a few of you in our community who have expressed a willingness to help in the past and who represent a balanced view and a level approach. We will be asking that you participate in an “Audit committee” with full access to any Board materials, communications, and financials. We also commit (as we always have) to complete openness on any inquiry that you see fit. We will share with the Audit committee each and every documented email or text proving the board operates ethically and in accordance with our governing documents at every decision. We wish to put to rest any possible accusation that we have, or would do anything but act in the best interest of the community in the form of a report generated by this Audit committee.
  2. We are also hiring an attorney for counsel on how to handle and respond to the current situation, and in some instances what we perceive as threats. We will do everything in our power to minimize such expenses, but we are left with no choice but to seek professional representation based on the communications we are receiving. This may result in an additional special assessment from the community members to cover legal expenses per the CCRs.
  3. We are still collecting any concerns or added verbiage from you that you feel should be considered for revised CCR language. As mentioned in Sunday’s note, the language currently under review was not and is not final. It was a starting point gathered from similarly situated communities in our desire to adequately protect the community, while not having us differ too greatly from developments similar to ours. We have confirmed with real estate agents that this matters of course. Please send in any additional concerns as soon as you can (reply here is fine), after which we will summarize them in a survey before formulating the final version of the language to put before your vote.

For those many of you who have messaged your support to us, it means a lot. Thank you.  What we are experiencing should be unimaginable among neighbors even as we disagree ideologically on governance.

Finally, for those of you who value Facebook as a communication channel, and also value open and respectful dialogue, even in disagreement, the Board has published a new Saratoga HOA group.

Thank you for your support!

More to come.

Your Board

Steve and Justin

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