Greetings All -
Here are the final details for tomorrow’s meeting.
The Zoom Link will be delivered to you by Zoom upon registration for the meeting. You can find the registration link here:
The meeting will begin at 6PM CST, Thursday, July 13th.
The meeting Agenda is attached in PDF form.
Asking for time to speak:
In anticipation of some welcome spirited opinions, we will need to schedule those who wish to speak on topics so we can best manage the time. The default speaking time allotted will be 2 minutes each. If you wish to speak, please email us the general topic or topics you’d like to speak on. The Board will organize speakers by topic and manage the time accordingly. If you feel you need more than 2 minutes, please simply request that in the email and we will get back to you. Likewise if you need shorter, please note that as well. The only point of scheduling speakers is for proper time management. We’re not trying to be overly formal, but we need to prepare for the right time appropriately.
A note on decorum - We plan for this meeting to be forward looking. We’ve released very detailed information on the events of the past months (July 10 email and FB). It is our hope that we can put that behind us and use this as a starting point to move forward. If there are remaining questions as to history, please ask those in the Slido link available HERE. As for additional questions or speaking topics, please keep the time productive and respectful. We don’t have to agree on things philosophically, but we should communicate respectfully.
We will discuss in the formal meeting, but to avoid any doubt, know that the ballots will be sent out after the meeting. We will leave voting open for 3 days to ensure everyone has a chance.
Ballot Items:
Please see the attached letter for the proposed wording that was completed after consolidation of feedback from the emails and surveys, and approved by our legal counsel. We will discuss this wording at the meeting in the formal section.
Your HOA Board