May 22, 2023


Save the Date! Thursday, June 1 6:30PM CST

Hey Neighbors!

Please save the date for a Zoom call to be held Thursday, June 1 at 6:30PM.

We will discuss the needed CCR changes mentioned yesterday, the Financial Impact/Special Assessment from the community cleanup of the recent freeze, and some asks regarding how we as a community resolve any conflict moving forward.  

As the board has demonstrated to date, your feedback is critical as we move through issues and the CCR needs are no different. Thank you to those of you who have replied already and shared your concerns around specific circumstances you would like to see accounted for as we modernize the language around Section 4.04 and “operating a business” from a residence. The Board's baseline belief is that these restrictions were never intended to prevent working from home nor do we interpret the current sections as preventing that. In fact, to our knowledge only 2 courtesy letters (and one violation) have been issued under Section 4.04 since we as residents took over the board and neither were for circumstances we would categorize as “working from home.” However, in order to avoid any misinterpretation going forward, the best approach is to simply clarify them now.

Please reply with any specific concerns if you have not already. You will hear more from us in the coming day or so on the process to incorporate community feedback as we work to develop a solution.  As we move toward the meeting, we will send a few more communications so please do watch out for messages.

Thanks again!

HOA Board

Steve, Mark and Justin

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