July 8, 2023


Saratoga Hills Home Business Survey Results

Hi Neighbor,

We hope everyone is enjoying the end of the cold front right now and look forward to meeting everyone on Thursday at 6pm on July 13th. Below are the raw survey results from PayHOA. We wanted to get these in front of everyone ahead of the meeting, so everyone has time to process what their neighbors, and this community, think about amending the current CCRs.

In response to some questions we received about the survey so far, this is meant to guide our language; it is not an end all be all. Most of the wording and detail from the survey will not be written verbatim in the CCRs. This is meant to be directional and reasonable. The issue of bias language in the questioning has been raised, so as a reminder the results of the survey spark the next step in this process. For example, if most of the community is in favor of outdoor business operations, and majority voted in favor of one or two visitors per day, then we would follow up with whether the community was in favor of up to 5, 5-10, 10-20, etc.

We will leave our commentary and interpretation out of the way until Thursday but please use this data to formulate any questions and submit those to Slido ahead of the meeting.


1. We should allow any resident to use their home office to conduct work where no external visitors, customers, or others are required to visit (i.e. No external traffic is generated).

a. AGREE – 111/120 – 93%

b. DISAGREE – 9/120 – 8%

2. We should allow any resident to use the *inside* of their home for business in whatever form that should take - including businesses that invite visitors/customers/vendors from outside the neighborhood, as long as there are reasonable restrictions in place for things like traffic, parking, gate code usage, times of day (restrictions covered in detail below).

a. AGREE – 72/120 – 60%

b. DISAGREE – 48/120 – 40%

3. Thinking about the outside spaces of a property: We should allow use of the outside of the home (assuming backyard only) for businesses that do NOT generate external traffic as long as the right restrictions are in place (noise, smells, dust, eyesores - restrictions covered below)

a. AGREE – 78/120 – 65%

b. DISAGREE – 42/120 – 35%

4. Thinking about the outside spaces of a property: We should allow use of the outside of the home (assuming backyard only) for businesses that DO generate external traffic as long as the right restrictions are in place (noise, smells, dust, eyesores, time of day, parking etc)

a. AGREE – 54/120 – 45%

b. DISAGREE – 66/120 – 55%

5. Thinking about External (Backyard) usage restrictions: If we allow usage of outside of the home for business (disregard traffic for the moment), we should limit NOISE & SMELLS generated by the business.

a. AGREE – 71/120 – 59%

b. DISAGREE – 11/120 – 9%

c. ANSWERED NO TO OUTDOOR – 38/120 – 32%

6. Thinking about traffic limits for ANY businesses allowed (outdoor or indoor) and trying to get a sense as to what is "ok" in your mind. We should attempt to limit the traffic generated for the neighborhood to:

a. ALL TRAFFIC OK – 22/120 – 18%

b. 1-2 VISITORS PER DAY – 36/120 – 30%

c. 1-2 VISITORS PER WEEK – 15/120 – 13%

d. 1-2 VISITORS PER MONTH – 6/120 – 5%

e. NO OUTSIDE TRAFFIC – 41/120 – 34%

7. I would support a clause allowing for the Board or subcommittee to provide exceptions to the CCR rules on traffic if such exceptions meant that certain businesses that may otherwise be prohibited by the language could operate in a way that did not create any complaints or nuisances for surrounding neighbors. (Think for example a "wine night" jewelry party of sorts where the seller of the jewelry does make money but it is a social event as well).

a. YES – 96/120 – 80%

b. NO – 24/120 – 20%

8. ***NOT FINAL WORDING*** Test Wording 1 - The following is a test draft based on input to date over email. The actual version will include the above survey feedback and be evaluated by our attorneys. Please indicate your support or rejection of this current draft: "No Owner shall occupy his/her Lot or any Improvements constructed thereon, or permit the same or any part thereof to be occupied or used for any purpose other than as a private residence for the Owner, his/her family, guests and tenants which excludes use of the Lot or Improvements for manufacturing, trade, business, commerce, industry, or other occupation whatsoever other than a home office which does not accept invitees, clients, customers, students or other visitors. No home business operation with or without invitees will be permitted if the operation requires manufacturing, warehousing, or assembly on the Lot. Exceptions to these restrictions (i.e. invitees, clients, customers, or students) may be granted by the Board or board-designated subcommittee from time to time in writing for limited events so long as these exceptions do not generate complaints by neighboring lots due to traffic, noise or other nuisance. This section is intended to specifically address “for-profit” or “not-for-profit” business use that involves the potential for traffic or other nuisance in the neighborhood and is not intended to limit personal use of a Lot such as team parties or other gatherings. In the event of any ambiguity as to the application of this section, the elected Board shall have the final say."

a. SUPPORT – 83/120 – 69%

b. NOT SUPPORT – 37/120 – 31%

Thanks for everyone's participation.

The Saratoga Hills HOA Board

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