July 7, 2023


Next Week's Meeting - QnA and Voting

Hello All!

As we have done in the past, we are including a link to a tool called “Slido” where you can post questions you would like addressed by the Board at the meeting or review questions and indicate ones you are interested in.

Here is the link: https://app.sli.do/event/v4Pz96PdE5b8PsPRzHRBb8

First, review the questions already posted here and if there is one that already gets to the heart of your question, vote it up! In fact, even if you do not have questions, check out the link and indicate where you'd like more time spent by upvoting questions of interest.

We will answer the most voted up questions first. We will attempt to get through all questions, but if we are running long, we may have to answer some afterwards via email or web posting. To be sure we spend time on the ones most important to you, check the link and add your support to move questions to the top where you are most interested.

Secondly, given the potential complexity of this topic and the engagement around QnA, we will hold the meeting, discuss the survey and proposed changes in addition to the other agenda items, then issue ballots right after to ensure the highest visibility and understanding of the issue.

More info and the Virtual link will be sent closer to the meeting.


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