The Saratoga Hills HOA and Road Committee would like to inform you of a pending project in the neighborhood. Our streets are in critical need of attention to maintain their health and prevent premature asphalt failure. The first step in asphalt road maintenance is crack sealing, which prohibits water from seeping through the asphalt and breaking down the asphalt and underlayment. If seepage occurs and we get hit with freezing weather the expansion of the frozen water accelerates the breakdown of the asphalt. This effort is overdue, as some of the streets are almost nine years old, and without proper maintenance the streets will prematurely fail and require asphalt replacement which is a million dollar plus proposition.
Therefore, after receiving multiple bids, and at the recommendation of the Road Committee, the HOA Board has engaged the services of Apex Paving (Five Star Rated) to come into the community and seal roadway cracks starting Monday October 16, 2023 with a project duration of about 4 days. This effort will NOT require the closure of any streets, however, caution and reduced speed would be appreciated when traversing our roads while the crew is working. The crack fill material does dry quickly, however, avoiding the fresh fill is also greatly appreciated. A good rule of thumb is if you're NOT in the vicinity of the road crew the sealant should be dry.
The neighborhood has four private roads, the crack sealing of which will be borne by the homeowners whose driveways connect to those roads - Preakness, Painted Horse, Ferdinand and Big Brown extension. We have secured very reasonable pricing due to our expansive street system which private street owners can leverage. Craig Alford has volunteered to reach out to the private street owners to assess their interest and he has the pricing for each street for crack sealing. Please proactively reach out to him at txcraig@gmail.com, as soon as possible, for further details.
Thank you, in advance, for your understanding and patience during this process.
SH HOA Board and SH Road Committee