October 5, 2023


HOA Update (10/5/2023)

Hello Neighbors!

We’re looking forward to getting together this weekend (Sunday, 10/8 at 4PM at the park!) for some ice cream. It will be a good chance to meet neighbors and chat in person vs the convenient but less personal Zoom meetings.

We have a few important updates as we head into the last couple of months of 2023.

Board Seat

As many of you may remember, each year at least one seat opens up for election. This year, Steve’s term ends and he has decided that he will be making room for the next eager volunteer. In fact, Steve has determined that with his other obligations at the moment he will be stepping away effective beginning now, as he helps us transition his key areas to others. The Board role has proven to be a rather tough position and demands can pile up. While we are heading in a good direction and now have the Advisory Committee in place helping with guidance, the last year has been tough. We greatly appreciate Steve’s service over the last two years and are in a better place as a community for him having served. Lorna and Justin look forward to working with the newly elected Board member this coming December.

Community Meeting & Election

We are planning for the upcoming Annual Meeting being held on Thursday, December 7th, 2023 at 6:00pm. Per our ByLaws we will hold our election for the open Board seat at this time. Our process begins now - collecting names and profiles of those interested in potentially serving. If you are interested in volunteering, please complete this online form on the website HERE.

We will publish the info as quickly as possible for review ahead of voting.

Road Progress

We are in the final stages of selecting a company for the road seam repair and sealant. Based on the damage from the last two winters, the consensus among the companies is that the roads are in need of sealant, but most importantly we need to fix the cracks ahead of winter. We plan to fill the cracks in the coming month or so ahead of winter and will let everyone know more details as we get closer. For the sealant, we will share more at the meeting.

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