February 7, 2023


Brush Update 2/7/23

Hello neighbors,

Here is a short update on the brush situation.

As we understand it today, the major drop off points around us (at least the free ones) are closed but Ranch Park is tentatively opening Feb 13th for one week to take more drop offs. We probably have over 100 trailer loads if we did that so this is just one option.

There are four general types of brush piles:

  • Community tree brush in the community park - We consolidated all median tree brush and park brush at the park.
  • Resident brush in the community park - In our now clearly naive assessment of the total amount and the capability of a 12” shredder, we originally welcomed park drop off. Some brush was dropped off. We estimate this accounts for about 10-15% of the total park brush as of today.
  • Resident brush in consolidated cul de sacs - Riva Ridge, Sea Hero have huge piles.
  • Resident brush at resident curbsides - across the neighborhood.

It seems likely that a consolidated approach where we go seek brush pickup service quotes for the neighborhood might yield the best pricing but we are highly unlikely to have the funding at the HOA level to handle the community brush at the park as well as all the surrounding brush. It is simply overwhelming. Regardless we are sourcing quotes to share.

The Park

Please no more brush drop offs at the park. We originally believed a shredder for 2-3 days would take care of the park, but as we emptied trailer after trailer of median brush and dragged park brush to the piles, it became clear we were building an enormous pile. Then we had a handful of trucks drop off resident brush there. It is now clear that we will have to shred + haul even what is there now. Please just pile brush at your street line.

Volunteer Help

If you are able to get your brush to the curb, please do so. We have a handful of neighbors who truly need help and we will have some volunteers as possible out next weekend and/or the following as we can but the amount that can be completed is limited even then. We clearly underestimated the sheer volume of this so we will do our very best to continue helping coordinate. As we get closer to the weekend, Steve will get another FB message out.


I confirmed that we have move up a couple of spots but the best estimate is that we won't see that chipper for at least 6 weeks. The BeeCaves location has more of them but they have 60 people on that wait list.


Waste Connections will have more info for us on Friday. Today and tomorrow, we are making a series of calls to brush haulers, brush shredders, our landscape company, our insurance company (as this is declared a disaster), the fire department (to inquire about supervised burns as a possibility), and any other option we can consider so we can come back with more of an update, to be informed of all options, and to share options for anyone interested as to a way for removing brush. We will of course look for the most cost effective approach for community brush as well.

More to come.


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