December 7, 2022


Annual Meeting Date (Jan 11) / Election Info

Greetings Neighbors!

It is time to start planning for our annual meeting and elections! We have two board seats up for election/re-election. Please mark your calendars for Wednesday, January 11th at 6PM for our annual meeting. We will be meeting via Zoom and the link will be sent out within 3 days of the meeting.


We have two seats up for election/re-election. If you are interested in running or would like to know more about the role, please email your interest to If you are expressing interest, please share a note as to your interest, what you would prioritize or change, and a bit about you for neighbors to read. If you are considering it and have questions, please let us know. We're happy to answer anything! We will gather information submitted over the next couple of weeks and post it all on our website. Ballots will be distributed electronically ahead of the meeting (in an e-sign too as we’ve done before) with all votes required 48 hours ahead of the meeting time. We will announce the results at the meeting.  

For those interested, the Board position requires some level of work each month, though some are much less than others. In general, the duties involve managing our vendors (Gate maintenance, Landscaping Vendors, 3-4 Bills we pay each month), handling neighbor complaints (3-4 per month), potentially issuing violations or clearing old ones, coordinating requests and neighbor communications for the ACC (3-5 per month), collecting dues or fines, and producing transfer/resale certificates in the case of a home sale.  

CCR Changes

At this time, we have no planned proposals to vote on for changing any of the CCR’s. There has been some chatter from time to time on different topics related to our CCR’s. If you have any specific changes you are wishing to be considered for a vote, you can demonstrate that interest by writing a proposed change or changes and having neighbors vote the point “up” in the Slido link below.. We have 154 homes in Saratoga Hills. Changes to the CCRs require at least 67% vote of eligible “Members” as defined in the ByLaws (104 votes). If you want additional guidance in how to go about it, just email us!

Slido Link:

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Meeting Agenda

We will plan on running through our normal topics of budget and performance against the budget and our outlook for 2023. We will also make time for a discussion around neighborhood standards and hope we can get feedback on approaches to maintaining our standards in the neighborhood. The ”Slido” link is now open as before where we can collect questions and topics and each of you can vote them up so we focus our time appropriately.

Slido Link:

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Reminder: Slido is a tool for capturing interest or importance of items. It's not an “official voting” mechanism. Ask a question and see who votes that question up to the top. We will start with the most “voted” questions.

If you have not signed in to PayHOA to update your contact information, please do so asap as annual dues invoices are going out shortly. Link HERE. (If you already signed up this won’t work).


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